
Fame | Francis X. Suarez net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Francis X. Suarez? When is Francis X. Suarez's birthday? Where is Francis X. Suarez born? Where did Francis X. Suarez grow up from? What's Francis X. Suarez's age?

Francis X. Suarez Born: 1977 (age 46years), Miami, FL

Is Francis X. Suarez married? When did Francis X. Suarez get married? Who's Francis X. Suarez's married to? (Who's Francis X. Suarez's husband / wife)?

Francis X. Suarez Spouse: Gloria Fonts Suarez

How about Francis X. Suarez's parents?

Francis X. Suarez Parents: Xavier Suarez, Rita Suarez

How about Francis X. Suarez's education?

Francis X. Suarez Education: Immaculata La Salle High School, MORE

How about Francis X. Suarez's nationality?

Francis X. Suarez Nationality: American

How about Francis X. Suarez's party?

Francis X. Suarez Party: Republican Party

How about Francis X. Suarez's current position?

Francis X. Suarez Current position: Mayor of Miami since 2017

Who is Miami's mayor?

The mayor of Miami, currently Francis Suarez, is the city's executive and is directly elected; the mayor appoints a city manager to act as Miami's chief administrative officer. Five city commissioners are also elected from single-member districts of which they are residents.

Who is the current mayor of Miami Dade County?

The mayor of Miami, currently Francis Suarez, is the city's executive and is directly elected; the mayor appoints a city manager to act as Miami's chief administrative officer. Five city commissioners are also elected from single-member districts of which they are residents.

Who runs the city of Miami?

The mayor of Miami, currently Francis Suarez, is the city's executive and is directly elected; the mayor appoints a city manager to act as Miami's chief administrative officer. Five city commissioners are also elected from single-member districts of which they are residents.


Tobi Tarwater

Update: 2024-06-22